Sunday Snapshot: A few pretty shots of ice and snow in Ottawa

Most of Ottawa, Kansas, shut down for two days this week when heavy snow blanketed the area. We weren’t hit as hard as other parts of Kansas–there are stories of 12 to 16 inches of snow–but nine inches of snow is more than enough to shut down the roads, and the -30° F wind chills kept kids out of school a third day after the roads were (sorta) passable.

After my third round of shoveling, I could only feel my fingers long enough to take a few pictures.

In the front yard, my plants were covered with beautiful, clear icicles.

Front Yard Ice III In the backyard, the ice was inexplicably opaque.

Backyard Ice II Backyard Ice I

And the rest of the yard looked like this: fluffy snow too powdery to use for snowpeople construction.

Pure Snow

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